

Frederick Douglass once said, “Once you learn to read you will be forever free.”  This captures the high aspiration we have at Greenvale that all children become fluent readers because it is the key to all other aspects of life and learning.  But more than this, we aim to inspire children to read and write for the sheer pleasure of it.

Reading allows our children to escape into other worlds, sometimes worlds that they cannot possibly experience for themselves. In this way, reading enables our children to experience new genres, characters and life experiences, all of which will fuel their imaginations and equip them with not just the skills to write but the urge to write too.  

Our new T4W writing programme (currently in development) is founded in quality model texts.  This  supports the development of vocabulary, confidence in their performance and writing skills, all with the acquisition of the basic skills and tools required for literacy. 

This is why our entire English curriculum is founded in quality literature.  Each half term every class reads a whole class reader together.  Every classroom has a carefully curated list of books for their year group’s 10 Before 10 lists.  Class libraries are filled with inviting books and our centrally placed whole school library for non-fiction is designed to reflect the topics taught in classes.  All of this and more,  provides plenty of opportunity for children to become keen and enthusiastic readers and encourages the understanding that reading goes beyond stories and into all aspects of life and learning.

For as Barack Obama once said, “Reading is the gateway for children, that makes all other learning possible.”


Click here to view a video on Talk for Writing

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Curriculum Statement