Sandpiper Awards

At Greenvale, we place a strong emphasis on children knowing basic number facts. Without a deep understanding of numbers, children are likely to find certain maths concepts confusing and difficult to grasp.  

To support the children in learning these basic facts, we use the Sandpiper Award system at Greenvale.

The table provided outlines the different awards and what is involved. To achieve the Sandpiper, children need to score full marks in each assessment.    

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Examples of what these assessments may look like can be found here:

Bronze example

It is important that the children do not just learn each sheet from memory as this will not actually support them in knowing their tables. It is important that they fully understand their tables, answering each question in order as opposed to spotting the ones they are confident on or looking for where particular questions have been repeated.  

We suggest that children follow the table above to ensure that they experience success and do not move through the stages too quickly.  By the end of Year 4, children are expected to confidently recall all of their tables.  

On achieving a sandpiper award, children are provided with a card to mark their achievement. Children are also welcome to purchase a button badge for their book bag through the office.
